
Override default templates

Widgets have a template_name attribute that points to the template that is used when rendering the form. Default templates are provided for all built-in widgets. In most cases the default implementation of these templates have no specific behaviour and simply inherit from floppyforms/input.html. They are provided mainly to give an easy way for a site-wide customization of how a specifig widget is rendered.

You can easily override these templates in your project-level TEMPLATE_DIRS, assuming they take precedence over app-level templates.

Custom widgets with custom templates

If you want to override the rendering behaviour only for a few widgets, you can extend a Widget class from FloppyForms and override the template_name attribute:

import floppyforms as forms

class OtherEmailInput(forms.EmailInput):
    template_name = 'path/to/other_email.html'

Then, the output can be customized in other_email.html:

<input type="email"
       name="{{ name }}"
       id="{{ }}"
       {% if value %}value="{{ value }}"{% endif %}>

Here we have a hardcoded placeholder without needing to instantiate the widget with an attrs dictionary:

class EmailForm(forms.Form):
    email = forms.EmailField(widget=OtherEmailInput())

You can also customize the template_name without subclassing, by passing it as an argument when instantiating the widget:

class EmailForm(forms.Form):
    email = forms.EmailField(

For advanced use, you can even customize the template used per-render, by passing a template_name argument to the widget’s render() method.

Adding more template variables

There is also a way to add extra context. This is done by subclassing the widget class and extending the get_context() method:

class OtherEmailInput(forms.EmailInput):
    template_name = 'path/to/other.html'

    def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
        ctx = super(OtherEmailInput, self).get_context(name, value, attrs)
        ctx['foo'] = 'bar'
        return ctx

And then the other.html template can make use of the {{ foo }} context variable.

get_context() takes name, value and attrs as arguments, except for all Select widgets which take an additional choices argument.

In case you don’t need the arguments passed to get_context(), you can extend get_context_data() which doesn’t take any arguments:

class EmailInput(forms.EmailInput):
    def get_context_data(self):
        ctx = super(EmailInput, self).get_context_data()
            'placeholder': '',
        return ctx

Altering the widget’s attrs

All widget attibutes except for type, name, value and required are put in the attrs context variable, which you can extend in get_context():

def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
    ctx = super(MyWidget, self).get_context(name, value, attrs)
    ctx['attrs']['class'] = 'mywidget'
    return ctx

This will render the widget with an additional class="mywidget" attribute.

If you want only the attribute’s key to be rendered, set it to True:

def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
    ctx = super(MyWidget, self).get_context(name, value, attrs)
    ctx['attrs']['awesome'] = True
    return ctx

This will simply add awesome as a key-only attribute.